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Alumni Membership - $47 (annual membership)
Our most popular membership! Why $47? Good Counsel Camp was founded by Monsignor Cummings in the year 1947. It is camp's starting point and from when we measure camp's lasting legacy by. This symbolic amount will always remind us of the reason why we are members in the first place.
Alumni Membership benefits:
- Give Back to Camp - Camp changed our lives and our goal as Alumni is to ensure we can do the same for others. Your membership with the Good Counsel Camp Alumni Association will help to fund and preserve the future of Good Counsel Camp for generations of campers to come.
- Camp Events - Alumni Membership gains you access into GCCAA events, including the Work Weekends and the Fellowship & Fun Days. Some Special Events, like the upcoming 75th Anniversary, may require an additional entry fee.
- Merchandise Discount - Automatically receive 10% off all GCCAA merchandise sold online or at events.
- Stay in the Loop - Receive our quarterly newsletter - The Gobbler Gossip - a digital newsletter that will deliver updates, news, and important information about the GCCAA and Good Counsel Camp.
- Community - Gain exclusive access to our GCCAA Facebook group, Instagram, and full website. Reconnect with former camp friends and staff members.
- Limited Time Offer! - Become a GCCAA member before the 75th Anniversary (Fall 2022) and receive a limited edition "Founder's Club" pin. Click here for more details.
Become an Alumni Member!
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Young Alumni Membership - $25 (annual, ages 18-25)
Our "25 till 25" membership! Most of our departures from camp happen in our late teens or early twenties, with our camp experience preparing us for the journey ahead with a wealth in knowledge and experiences...but not always a wealth in our wallets! We understand our young alumni may be in a financially different place then some of our older alumni, which is why you will only pay $25 until you turn 26 years old. That's only 5 cups of Starbucks a year!
Young Alumni Membership benefits:
- Give Back to Camp - Camp changed our lives and our goal as alumni is to ensure we can do the same for others. Your membership with the Good Counsel Camp Alumni Association will help to fund and preserve the future of Good Counsel Camp for generations of campers to come.
- Camp Events - Young Alumni Membership gains you access to the Work Weekend events. For access to the Fellowship & Fun Days and Special Events, like the upcoming 75th anniversary, you will only be asked to pay a small entry fee to cover the cost of food.
- Stay in the Loop - Receive our newsletter - The Gobbler Gossip - a digital newsletter that will deliver updates, news, and important information about the GCCAA and Good Counsel Camp.
- Community - Gain exclusive access to our GCCAA Facebook group, Instagram, and full website. Reconnect with former camp friends and staff members.
- Limited Time Offer! - Become a GCCAA member before the 75th Anniversary (Fall 2022) and receive a limited edition "Founder's Club" pin. Click here for more details.
Become a Young Alumni!
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Family Membership - $100 (annual, 2 adults plus children)
Our Family Membership covers two adults and any children under 18 years old (there is no limit!). If you want to include the whole family in Alumni events or weekends, then this is the membership for you!
Family Membership benefits:
- Give Back to Camp - Camp changed our lives and our goal as alumni is to ensure we can do the same for others. Your membership with the Good Counsel Camp Alumni Association will help to fund and preserve the future of Good Counsel Camp for generations of campers to come.
- Camp Events - The Family Membership gains you access into GCCAA events, including the Work Weekends and the Fellowship & Fun Days. Some Special Events, like the upcoming 75th Anniversary, may require an additional entry fee.
- Merchandise Discount - Automatically receive 10% off all GCCAA merchandise sold online or at events
- Stay in the Loop - Receive our newsletter - The Gobbler Gossip - a digital newsletter that will deliver updates, news, and important information about the GCCAA and Good Counsel Camp.
- Community - Gain exclusive access to our GCCAA Facebook group, Instagram, and full website. Reconnect with former camp friends and staff members.
- Limited Time Offer! - Become a GCCAA member before the 75th Anniversary (Fall 2022) and receive a limited edition "Founder's Club" pin. Click here for more details.
Become a Family Alumni Member!
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Lifetime Membership - $1,200 (never expires!)
The ultimate GCCAA membership! Lifetime Members are true lovers of camp who want to help our association in a big way. Your generous membership will help create stability in our budding association and will deliver you the best benefits we have to offer. This membership never expires and this one time cost will ensure you will not have to worry about renewing annually. To our Lifetime Members: Thank you!
Lifetime Membership benefits:
- Give Back to Camp - Camp changed our lives and our goal as alumni is to ensure we can do the same for others. Your membership with the Good Counsel Camp Alumni Association will help to fund and preserve the future of Good Counsel Camp for generations of campers to come.
- Camp Events - Alumni Membership gains you access into all GCCAA events, including the Work Weekends and the Fellowship & Fun Days. Also includes Special Events, like the upcoming 75th Anniversary.
- Free Merch! - Receive any and all merchandise that is created for the GCCAA
- Stay in the Loop - Receive our newsletter - The Gobbler Gossip - a digital newsletter that will deliver updates, news, and important information about the GCCAA and Good Counsel Camp.
- Community - Gain exclusive access to our GCCAA Facebook group, Instagram, and full website. Reconnect with former camp friends and staff members.
- Limited Time Offer! - With a Lifetime Membership, you will receive a free Chapel Paver to memorialize your time at camp!
- Bonus Offer! - Become a GCCAA member before the 75th Anniversary (Fall 2022) and receive a limited edition "Founder's Club" pin. Click here for more details.
Become a Lifetime Member!
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Membership matters.By joining the GCC Alumni Association, you automatically support GCC and also receive special member-only benefits, like access to member areas on the website, invitations to Alumni only weekends at camp, and discounts on Alumni Association merchandise. These privileges start the day you purchase your membership and are always being updated to serve your needs.
We want our Alumni Association to be a great fit for everyone who loves Good Counsel Camp. If you have any questions or would like to discuss a membership option, please reach out at gccalum@gmail.com.
You may also find answers to your questions in our FAQ. 8.6.1
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Welcome to our most recent association members
Special thanks to our newest Lifetime Members